Czech Marketing Association

The Czech Marketing Association (CMA) is a voluntary non-governmental and non-profit organization, that brings together marketers and those interested in marketing through collective and individual membership. The association was founded in 1990 immediately after the Velvet Revolution as an immediate response to the change from a centrally planned economy to a standard market economy.

From its original mission to contribute as much as possible to the expansion of marketing in the Czech Republic, it currently focuses primarily on promoting communication between marketing professionals and improving the quality of marketing management and marketing activities.

Our Mission

The main goal of the association is the mutual connection of subjects, conferences, seminars, consultancy, contacts with schools, contacts with companies, discussion forums, certification of marketing experts, specialized library and a number of other special events. The association has both individual and collective members.

Our History

The Czech Marketing Association was founded immediately after the Velvet Revoluti on May 18, 1990. Regional and professional sections were also founded shortly after as a reaction on completely new economical situation in the country, which enabled to evaluate the role of marketing from completely different perspective. In 1991, the association organized the first professional conference "New Challenges of Marketing" and also started regular participation in international exhibitions and fairs.

The highly rated Marketing and Communication magazine, published for many years in traditional printed form and in on-line version as well, provides the latest industry knowledge not only to members, but also to a wide range of experts and the general public. The annual Marketer of the Year competition opens a comparison platform for the most outstanding experts, including promising university students with a focus on marketing competing in special section „Young Marketer“


  • Name of the association: Czech Marketing Association, registered association (NGO)
  • Name in Czech: Česká marketingová společnost, z.s.
  • Organizaton's ID: 00499447
    Incorporated at the Metropolitan Court in Prague section L file 809
  • VAT: CZ00499447
  • Seat: Novotného lávka 200/5, 116 68 Praha 1, Czech Republic
  • GPS: 50°05'07.5"N 14°24'47.9"E
  • Bank connection: 53031011/0100 - SWIFT/BIC: KOMBCZPPXXX
  • Phones: +420 221 082 395, +420 732 345 615
  • E-mail:
  • Social networks: Linkedin | Spotify | Youtube  |

Local Accessibility

By tram: The nearest tram stop on Smetana embankment is called Karlovy lazne, it is located at a distance of about 100m from the entrance to the CMA headquarters and is now bi-directional. Apart from line 17, which is one of the longest and most used tram lines in Prague, other tram lines stop here: 1, 2, 3, 18 and 25. The stop has recently undergone extensive reconstruction and is now equipped with a clear information system with an overview of the current departures of individual tram lines.

By underground: The Staromestska metro station (A-line) is located about 4 minutes on foot by a comfortable exit to Kaprova street and then follow the pavement left along Krizovnicka street, past the Charles Bridge to Novotny lavka. The metro station Narodni trida (B-line) is located near the corner of Narodni Trida and Spalena st. From here you can continue 2 tram stops via National Theatre to the Karlovy lazne stop, or walk along Narodni trida and then right along Smetana embankment to Novotny lavka.

By car: Parking in the centre of Prague near Masaryk and Smetana embankments has many restrictions, so we recommend parking in one of the P+R parking lots and continue to the centre by public transport or use the paid parking in the newly renovated National Theatre garage and from there continue 1 stop by tram or walk along Smetana embankment to Novotny lavka. For loading/unloading you can use the places on the embankment near the Novotny lavka with a maximum parking time of 15 min.